Another One Is Open!

You have heard the phrase:

When one door closes, another one opens.

I suspect that at any moment, there are actually many doors open to us. The impact of willful staring at a single door, however, is that we can’t see the others. Today, give yourself a chance to discover some alternative “doors”. Let these questions open you:

What is my craziest, scariest, wildest option?
What would I NEVER try?
Who would I ask for help if I knew they’d say yes?
What would I try if I knew I’d succeed?

Now … pick one and walk through that door!

This Door is Closed

A small bird just fluttered in front of my window. Twice it hit the glass before giving up and flying away.

Sometimes, like that small bird, we so desperately desire a given direction that we continue willfully toward a given end despite being told “No, not an option”.

Today, become aware of ways in which the Universe is suggesting that this door is closedThen allow yourself to be with:

  • the energy you will reclaim by releasing your will
  • the opportunities, the other doors which are already opening before you

Then ask:

What direction would serve me now?

Dare to go there!

Be willing to be used…

Today’s message to self:

Be willing to be used; mine is not to figure out how.

For me, this means that I am to be here now and not worry about the big picture. Live this moment – play fully on the playing board of my life. Invest the energy of me in the people and activities that are present now.

Does this mean I never plan, never vision, never pause to see if I am “on track”? No, it doesn’t. There is value in having a map and setting in motion the steps that will move us in the general direction of our dreams, vision, the purpose for our lives. Life is lived, however, in this moment – and this one. Dreams unfold a moment at a time. Opportunities show up in the moments.

What is the playing board of your life?
What are you missing in the moments?
What will you fully invest in today?

What sprouts from the seed of you?

Here’s a question from a new inspiration card that hit me this morning:

What sprouts from the seed of you?

Think about it. The seed totally decomposes so its DNA can manifest as something that looks entirely different. If we use the seed metaphor and let ourselves sprout, what WILL we look like? What will we become? What fruit will we bear? Will we be a shade tree? Who will be nourished by our presence?

Imagine, who you are, how you look, what you do, all that is part of your life to-date, is but the seed for what is yet to sprout.

What is blocking total decomposition?
What is your shell made of?
What water, sunshine, nutrients are feeding you now?
How willing are you to be seed?

Brain on overdrive?

Is your brain ever bombarded by planning, thinking, worrying, conniving, others’ requests? You know the times … when no matter how hard you try, you cannot stop the spinning or take your mind off of the hamster wheel?

This usually happens in me when the to-do list for today (and the next 6 months) is long. There is way too much to do to take a break. The impact, however, of acting from a state of brain overdrive is usually a massive headache, mistakes, inefficiency, or absolutely NO forward progress on anything!

Today’s invitation is simple. The next time that you find yourself in overdrive, celebrate that you noticed! Then, dare yourself to stop and downshift. Downshift from brain overdrive to heart beat. Take five in heart beat gear and ask:

What part of this is EGO?
What does Compassion offer?
What does my Heart need?

Then dare to meet your heart’s desires.