Shadow Power


What? Isn’t a shadow a dark cloud? Doesn’t the shadow mean we are blocking the light?

Well, here’s the metaphor of the day. Today, I was doing my first thing in the morning visioning in my sacred space. It was early and still dark outside. The only light in the space (outside of the light in me, that is) was the candle. I inadvertently stood in front of the candle and noticed my HUGE shadow on the opposite wall and ceiling. Then, I began to walk toward that shadow. What happened? If you don’t know, try it.

Now, of course it shrunk!

I offer you two ways to interpret this. Choose whichever works for you in this moment – or – create your own powerful interpretation and share it as a comment! Here goes:

  1. When we stand nearest the Light, the Source of strength, Truth, Power, Integrity — pick your definition — our impact on the world is HUGE! When we abandon or move away from the true Source of our inner strength, our being, we shrink.
  2. When we are faced with a challenge – a big, dark, fearsome shadow on the path of life – if we move toward it, embrace the opportunity to grow and face it head on, it shrinks!

What is the Source of your inner strength?
What will move you closer to that Source?
What is your impact when you are centered in that Source?
What challenge awaits your head-on, Source-infused courage?


Whose ideas are they?

Do you ever find yourself preparing for a presentation and noticing that fear is bubbling up?  I have! It is especially strong when the presentation comes from ideas that came from my intuition, my life experience, me. Sometimes, I then hear:

What if “my” ideas flop?

Just in case you can relate, I’d like to offer a different perspective. The Universe has dropped golden nuggets into my awareness. Like the lyrics and music I write, I transcribe the ideas, the lyrics, the notes. I bring them into manifestation. They began in and belong to the greater whole, universal mind. This makes them perfect – and – temporary. They are here now to be released and have an impact. They are not meant to be free standing, or be “put on a pedestal” and admired. They are meant to be honored, used, and allowed to transform as they are touched and received by the world, the folks who will receive the presentation.

This way of being invites me to go through the experience with total curiosity and wonder. What is meant to be planted, sprout, blossom, or be released in each person? What is possible because I am willing to be the conduit through which the Universe got this message across?

I am sitting in awe of the wisdom that just flowed through me. Not from, but through me and intended for all of humanity.

What if each of us allowed ideas to flow through us into manifestation?
What ideas are you blocking?
What are you hanging onto as yours?
What idea would help you embrace your part in evolution?
What would free you?

The List


Did you grow up with the “to-do list”? Every morning in the summer, Mom would go to work. But before she left home, she left “the list” for us kids to do before she returned. Oh how I hated that list and most of what appeared on it:

Weed the beans
Dust the house

Yet, before Mom returned, we needed it to be a “to-done” list – or else!

Well, I realize today (some 40 years later!) that I learned my lessons well and “the list” has become a key piece of my organizational skills and my ability to get stuff accomplished. (Thanks, Mom!) It has also become, however, a source of overwhelm and fear despite the tricks I’ve learned to manage it.

As I look down on those childhood years, I see that Mom managed THE LIST, you know – the BIG list – the one that was never ending and lived in her head. I only saw the list, the segment that formed the to-do’s of today and which Mom believed was manageable.

Today, as an entrepreneur, I now manage THE LIST, and I manage the list. On top of that, I need to manage “me” and discern what I need for balance and well-being. Play? Rest? Work? Creativity? Meditation? I’m pretty good at this discernment day-to-day and can create the list that serves my balance most days. It is THE LIST which wreaks havoc with me.

How about you? Do you have a never-ending set of home remodeling projects? Is your business in that start-up phase where every time you turn around there are three new tasks for every one completed? Are you a creative like me and ideas for “what’s next?” come faster than a locomotive and creative time disappears at that pace as well?

Here are some things I know that I would like to put into more regular practice:

  • Celebrate creative ideas! What if I had none to choose from?
  • There will always be more options, more ways to spend time, energy, and money than I could ever follow through on.

In other words, expect more and more and more ideas! Treasure the energy in you that sees possibility. Know deep inside that you never want this list to become a “to-done” list. (Jeanne, are you listening to yourself? Are you learning here?)

Consider also these thoughts related to your LIST:

  • Today’s ideas might be great – and they might be the spark that ignites an even better idea!
  • Today’s ideas might not be great. Does this one even go on the list?
  • A great idea today might have come at the wrong time and need to sit on the back burner awhile.
  • A great idea not executed today might need to be released tomorrow because it simply isn’t great anymore.

Take a look at your LIST. Consider:

What have you already completed without realizing it?

What ideas naturally group themselves together into larger themes?
What no longer fits at all in the grand scheme?

Let it go!

What still feels exciting, creative or necessary,
but now is not the time?
Can you guesstimate a time frame?
Express gratitude for this future work.
Release any pressure you feel to get it done now!

Finally, return to today and the list that serves you and THE LIST.


FEAR — Redefined!


Recently I wrote about non-attachment and letting go in order to really live. And, for me, letting go is often laced with fear. So a quick look at fear seems in order.  First, fear is an emotion. It is meant to suggest we take a closer look. Sometimes the fear is warranted by circumstance and pausing to notice the fear may save us from harm.

Sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes fear is a gremlin, a voice trying to keep us stuck in old habits which no longer serve us. Or fear may be an internalized message that we can’t do “it” or aren’t good enough. Each time we listen to the fear we solidify a belief that just may not be true!

Next time you sense unwarranted fear coming on, stop and let fear be an acronym for what might really be going on inside of you. Try on these FEAR acronyms:

(F)eeling (E)dgy (A)nd (R)esistent?
alse (E)vidence (A)ppearing (R)eal
ight (E)nds. (A)llow (R)est.
ind (E)nergy (A)nd (R)eassurance.
(F)antastic (E)xperience (A)waits (R)ecognition
ollow (E)ach (A)ppropriate (R)eminder
reely (E)ngage. (A)ctively (R)espond.
(F)ly! (E)njoy (A)mazing (R)esonance.

Pick one that has a grain a truth for you and use it to move through the current fear. Perhaps your fear is the result of exhaustion and uncertainty. Choose (F)ind (E)nergy (A)nd (R)eassurance. Then ask yourself:

What would energize me now?
What message would reassure me?
Who can I ask for support?

Then take the energizing step. Ask for support. Wait until you feel energized and reassured. Then return to what it was that triggered fear in you and go for it!

What is it like to move through your fear?

(*) For a bit more on the topic of FEAR, check out: Beyond Fear

What are you attached to?

“Dare to live by letting go.”
― Tom Althouse

Perhaps you’ve heard about the Buddhist teaching of non-attachment, perhaps not. My layman’s definition is this: when I must have or must do, when I think my ideas are *right* and I won’t let go, when I see the outcome in a situation and then hold onto it as the only possibility,  I am attached. And moreover, my strong attachments can be very draining of my energy, or in Buddhist terms, cause me to suffer. Today I became aware that I am even attached to the spiritual practices that I hoped would guide me toward non-attachment! I struggle to release the books I “should” read or the teachers I “should” listen to.

The quote above, “Dare to live by letting go”, is a good reminder for me. In this lifetime, we have the opportunity to amass all sorts of things: stuff, knowledge, habits, dreams, friends, activities, even money! Yet, there comes a point where more is NOT merrier. And stockpiling any of this get heavy and blocks us from actually living this moment and noticing what is here now. We are often too busy collecting, managing, planning, carrying the load — to live.

Today, I am releasing the pile of books I was trying to find time to read. They’ll return to me if and when I need to read them! I am letting go of a belief that I *should* meditate more and imagining more presence in each moment, each activity. Today I release the fear that if I let go of “it”, I will somehow miss out or fail at life. Today I dare to live by letting go! What about you?

What are you attached to?
What living is impossible as long as you hold on?
What would it feel like to let it go?