High Expectations

Having dreams, visioning where we want to go in life, what we want to create in life is powerful. Without them, it is easy to move through life on auto-pilot, expecting today to be like yesterday and doing the same things day in and day out.

Often, however, those of us who vision and want to live into our dreams set ourselves up with high expectations of ourselves and low tolerance for the learning curves, the journey from here to there. When we don’t meet those expectations, Continue reading “High Expectations”

The Unfolding Unknowable

The unfolding future is unknowable. Ours is to prepare our consciousness to meet it from openness, curiosity and awe. ~ Jeanne

How does that sit with you?
Does it ring true?
What does it bring up in you?

There was a time I really believed that I could plan just about anything and accomplish it by following my plan. The future was known because I was designing it. At that time, I wasn’t very open to what wasn’t in the plan; I wasn’t very curious because I already knew what was going to happen. And awe? Well, there really wasn’t time to let the beauty and wonder of life have that kind of impact on me!

Tama Kieves, in her book, A Year Without Fear, writes: Continue reading “The Unfolding Unknowable”

You’ve Changed!

Recently, I wrote about metamorphosis – about changing from the inside out on this journey called life. Today I add this:

What about our relationships? If we are truly evolving within, changing how we think and feel and see the world around us, then our actions – how we express ourselves – are going to change. At some point, if we don’t tell them first, others will notice. Among family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances: Continue reading “You’ve Changed!”


Today, once again, I woke as a new being, changed from the woman who laid her head on the pillow last evening.

I am changing.

Don’t look at my body for proof (though you may see light emanating from my energy field). No, this change is within, the result of a courageous inward journey.

Old ideas, beliefs and rules are softening or melting away. Continue reading “Metamorphosis”

Circle of Giving

Never deny anyone the opportunity to be helpful.
~ Jamie Loehnis

This week, I took my scooter to  the local thrift shop. I found a rather large item which was perfect for the current creative project. I bought it – knowing that I might need to take the scooter home and trade it out for the car in order to get it to my house.

In the parking lot, a woman asked me, “What is that?” (Yes, it was an odd looking thing!) I told her that I really didn’t know what it was but, rather, how I was planning to use it. Then she watched me attempt to get this thing onto my scooter unsuccessfully. And she said, Continue reading “Circle of Giving”