Resume “virtues” and more!

What virtues fill your resume? While you may not have used the term, virtues, you know the likes of the answer: efficient, detail oriented, creative, great problem solver, powerful leader, visionary, quick learner. Depending on the job you desire, you carefully craft a resume which highlights the qualities you possess which are a great fit. You list accomplishments to prove it.

Recently, I heard a message from David Brooks in the New York Times (The Moral Bucket List) where he pointed out the obvious: Continue reading “Resume “virtues” and more!”

Stop Seeking Joy!

What??????????? Don’t we all desire joy, happiness, delight? Don’t we go in search of those people and activities which will bring these feelings to us?

Likely, most of us DO seek joy. Yet, even when it shows up we can miss the full impact of its presence. Why is that? And why, if we all desire joy, would I suggest that you stop seeking it?

Here’s why. Continue reading “Stop Seeking Joy!”

Meditation and Stillness: What’s the big deal?

Undoubtedly you’ve heard the word meditation tossed about in recent years. You’ve been told that it has value, helps reduce stress and anxiety, clears your mind and helps with focus. (If you want more, Deepak Chopra offers much in his article, Why Meditate?)

If you are still not convinced or willing to devote time to a personal meditation practice, I’d like to give you an image that may help. Continue reading “Meditation and Stillness: What’s the big deal?”

How do you relate to time?

What is time?
What is it time for?
What if you’re late?
What if you miss out completely?
What’s your hurry?
What is wasting time?
What is the impact when the day melts away?

Lately I’ve been wrestling with time. Yes, that’s right. Time. In the midst of whatever I am doing (or not doing), I notice an internal struggle, a war in my thoughts. Even as I’ve chosen, for example, to write this blog post, and am trying to be with you and write something meaningful, there is another train of thought suggesting that I should be doing something else, that if I don’t get busy on that, I will not arrive there in time. If that doesn’t happen this week, I will have forever lost an opportunity.

Here’s the thing. Those thoughts are stealing energy from the task at hand. Continue reading “How do you relate to time?”