Thriving Outside Your Comfort Zone – Part II

Have you stepped outside your comfort zone yet? Fear still holding you back? How about a few more ways to embrace the idea?

First, in case you missed Sunday, October 11, at Unity Church of Christianity, you can listen to a recording of the interview: Thriving Outside Your Comfort Zone.

For a bit more reading on the topic, try a short article on the topic: read.

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Thriving Outside Your Comfort Zone

Comfort … Ah! We seek it. We tend to do everything in our power to be comfortable. From the temperature in our homes to the clothes we wear to the people we spend time with, the activities we choose, and the conversations we engage in.

But, if we only put ourselves in situations that are within our comfort zone, if we never take risks with anything new and different, challenging and maybe even a bit scary, how are we growing? What are we learning about ourselves and the world? How can we possibly discover our passions and make our dreams come true?

Please join me the next two Sundays for some deeper exploration of thriving outside of your comfort zone and living your personal vision. First:

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What is your vision?

Here I am again with an acronym to share. Why do I keep creating in this way? Well, words hold deep meaning for me. I’m sure many of you reading this are deeply moved and inspired by the visual – photos, color, and works of art. Others are moved by music or persons in service of others.

Perhaps most of us are moved by multiple types of media as I am. So we listen and we create in various ways, depending on circumstances. Well, this is a blog and by its nature it can link to photos and music, but it is primarily built on words. So, words it shall be!

A few days ago, I gave the following coaching assignment to a woman seriously looking at retiring from her long-time occupation and moving into the next phase, the next focus for her life. Notice I didn’t say “retiring” to couch potato status! This was a coaching assignment!
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FEAR – Revisited!

Perhaps you have heard the idea that in the simplest scenario, there are only two emotions: love and fear. If you aren't coming from a place of love, it must be fear in the driver's seat. There is a song by Shawn Gallaway, I Choose Love, that I find very empowering as he repeats over and over again: Love or Fear: What do you choose?

These past two weeks have found me regularly acknowledging the presence of fear and choosing to move through it. Sometimes that choice is easier than others! One thing I know about fear is this: when I allow it to control my actions, I crawl in a hole, do less and less, stop reaching out. I shrivel up! And the only direction that this takes me is toward depression. That's not a place I want to live!

Recently I included this unoriginal acronym in a post:

FEAR – (F)alse (E)vidence (A)ppearing (R)eal

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Humility … new style!

And a mid-August hello to you!

It is Monday evening and I’ve spent some time today thinking about this coming Sunday when I’ll be privileged to share music at Harmony Café again. Only the second time, this still feels rather new and scary to me. And as I write that, I need to ask myself why? Why do I have any reservations? Writing songs and singing is what I do! In the same way, you may “do” cooking or perhaps you “do” painting. Maybe you “do” helping people by giving of your time.

Several years ago I heard a definition of humility that really supports how I want to show up in the world. Believing in humility “new style” is what gave me the courage to say “yes” to singing at Harmony Café. I’d like to share it with you as a reminder for me.

But before I share it, here is humility as I remember learning it early on:

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