Time Is An Illusion

I've got two ideas merging within me today. First, an old saying: “One step backward equals two steps forward” that continues to come to me so I must need it! Another from last night thanks to Paul Rademacher, Executive Director of The Monroe Institute is this, “Time is an illusion.” This morning, I want to explore with you how these are impacting me in order to ground the learning in my being. I hope that you will join the conversation and share your thoughts as well!

Several times over the past two years, I have experienced challenges in my physical being. I've pulled this or that muscle, gotten this or that out of joint, even broken a foot! Each time, I've heard the words of my yoga teacher, Suzy Weyenberg of Empower Yoga, “One step backward equals two steps forward in yoga.” Her message is this – if, in a pose, you lose your breath, ease out a bit, take a step back, and restore your grounding in the breath. I must say that she probably shares this wisdom in every class! Do I listen?

Often, I don't. Often I return to the wisdom I learned as a child: “Try harder. Go for the goal. Don't stop.” What happens is that I cause more damage, try harder, cause more damage, try harder … until I can't. The broken foot, while I had help doing it, seemed to be a message from the Universe: “Jeanne, it is time to stop for real!

How does last night's message, “Time is an illusion”, fit in?

What is my trying harder all about? Why keep pushing? Why refuse to rest? The simple answer is fear. I'll lose out on something if I don't keep going. And I need that something now! If I miss this opportunity, it will never come around again. If I stop stretching my body, it will get stiff and I'll feel old. If I go backwards, I'll lose the desire for forward movement. If I step out of the ring, I won't be able to return.

Heard enough yet? I have!

But what if time is an illusion? What if I could perceive today's actions in the context of my entire life? After 52 plus years on this planet, one day is about .005% of my life! One week, .036%. And even one month is only .158%.

And what if I made choices today from the context of universal oneness where everything is always present, where there is no past and no future, where there is only the eternal now?

What does this mean to me? It means that my choices impact everyone, everywhere. They are the result of all choices past and impact all choices future. In one sense, today's choices are so very miniscule! In another sense, this choice impacts everything!

  • What is the wisdom of this moment?
  • What is here now if I stop evaluating it in relationship to yesterday and tomorrow?
  • What if taking one step backward is like a “do over” and I leap frog beyond the miss-step in the replay?
  • What if the “do over” reveals a door I didn't see the first time and a whole new dimension is revealed?
What if time is an illusion?
What if I stop making decisions based on a perceived shortage of time?
What if I paused long enough to receive the gift of now?
What if I live my life as a gift to all that was, is, and is yet to be?

Join the conversation! What do you know?
Continue reading “Time Is An Illusion”

Signs Along The Way

Lately I've been keeping a journal where I record, at the end of each day, something I learned that day. Recently, the thing that keeps showing up is “Ask for help.” For a born and raised “do it yourself-er”, this is a lesson requiring much repetition!

Yesterday, I heard another message:

“Notice the signs along the way. Help is already here for you.”

Certainly not rocket science, right? Well, as I write, I need to set aside the ego's embarrassment over the simplicity of this message and share anyway – just in case one of you needs to hear it.

Yesterday, I organized a hike with a group of women. I was familiar with this very wooded area which had been dissected into about six trails. At each trail intersection, there is a color-coded trail map and signs pointing the way. I envisioned our group splitting up, following these maps, and meeting up happily after an hour or so – back at the starting point.

Here's the thing. During my previous hikes, I had experienced times of feeling lost between the signs and wanting to back track to check it out and ease my anxiety. Today was no different in that regard – until – someone pointed out the color-coded posts that lined the trails! Help had been there from day one yet I had missed it. (Okay, I was never a Girl Scout and I'd also missed the lesson on trail building!)

It makes me wonder how often I am unaware, or perhaps even closed to seeing, the help already present in my life. What am I missing because I have invisible blinders on? What do I refuse to see, sense, feel, or know because it doesn't fit my picture of “the way things are”?

Today I invite you into a deeper noticing of the signs along your way:

What answer “right in front of you” are you blind to?
What message “right here, right now” are you deaf to?
What physical or emotional signs in your body do you refuse to acknowledge?

Continue reading “Signs Along The Way”

See a need – fill it!

Lately, I have attended quite a few “networking” events with the intention of getting to know some of the awesome women in this community and letting them get to know me. What I have found is quite phenomenal! There are many groups which meet weekly or monthly, fill rooms with powerful leaders and invite sharing, learning, support and joy. While some of these groups have events that get us outside and moving, most involve food and drink and sitting.

Here's the deal. One quality of leadership is to see a need and fill it. In fact, someone did just that with each of these organizations. There was a need for connection, and a group formed. There was a need for information sharing, and speakers were brought in to the luncheons. There was a need for fun and fundraising, and the likes of golf outings were born.

Last week, a few of us saw a need for nature and physical activity, for self-care and wellness. We started with:

  • Why are all networking events 'sit-downs'?
  • Why doesn't someone organize a hike, a volleyball game, or bowling?
  • Couldn't we network and move at the same time?
And then came the cosmic 2-by-4 … Leadership is about seeing a need and filling it! And, most likely, if one person senses a need, it is “in the space” and shared by others. And so it is that:

For Women Only: Hike, Connect, Relax!

was born. I LOVE to move. I LOVE nature. And I recently found an amazing hiking trail a few miles from my home. Now this trail has been around for 5 years without my awareness. Just in case you don't know about it either … check it out!

To add to the fun, Tina Lyon, of Touching Tranquility, is offering a foot soak after the hike to the first 10 women who contact her. Add in further discussion around wellness, empowerment, and awesome self-care, and you've got an afternoon of wonderment.

Just in case you are not able to join us on the hike, do keep checking the event for daily messages about other self care options.

Continue reading “See a need – fill it!”

Life is like Coffee

Once again, I have been gifted, this time by my brother, Mark, with a pointer to inspiration that I'd like to pass on to you. From Lee J. Colan, Ph.D. of The L Group, Inc., please take a few minutes to watch:

Life is like Coffee

Then consider these questions:
  • What coffee cups are getting too much attention?
  • In what ways are you missing out on the coffee?
I am reminded also of the message from my yoga instructor this morning, Heather Anderson, at Empower Yoga, who said she had begun a 40 day challenge to be positive in thought, word, and action. Every thought positive for 40 days. Now, she did remind us that begin again is always available.

How would a commitment to positive thought, word, and action enhance the flavor of your coffee?

Continue reading “Life is like Coffee”

Chopra Center 21 Day Meditation Experience

Again today I feel called to share with you a beautiful opportunity. I have just started listening to the daily meditations which began August 15. Actually, I am using them to guide my meditation experience for these 21 days and am grateful. Whether you already meditate or have always put it off, consider gifting yourself with 20 minutes or less each day. Each has a short reading you can journal on before the meditation – or not!

The Summer Chopra Center 21-Day Meditation Challenge

Continue reading “Chopra Center 21 Day Meditation Experience”