How Small Is Your Cage?

I recently read, in a book called Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach, the story of Mohini, the white tiger who was given to President Eisenhower as a gift in the 1960’s. While the story is not new, it struck me in a fashion that got me writing to you!

In brief, it is the story of a rare, gorgeous, white tiger name Mohini who spent many years in a 12 by 12 cage at the Washington zoo. Finally, the zoo decided to build her a large, natural habitat. Despite acres of land to roam, Mohini entered her new home and immediately ran to a far corner by the wall and lived out the rest of her days pacing a 12 by 12 foot square.

The truth is that each of us reside in self-defined, limiting cages. While yours may be much larger than years ago, you are still in a cage. Self-erected walls limit your vision, your movements, your full expression.

Me too! As 2011 comes to a close, I find myself resonating with sadness around the story of Mohini and making a commitment to expand in 2012, to break down walls that keep me caged and open to a more expansive view of who I am and how I am meant to serve in this lifetime. Care to join me?

What size is your current cage?
What limiting beliefs do you hold too closely?
What risk is it time to take?
What are you hiding from the world?
What size cage do you envision for December 31, 2012?
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What if …

What if “this” was easy?
What if “this” was perfect?

Today is Sunday, December 11, 2011, two weeks before Christmas Day. Whether or not you celebrate this holiday, the effects it has on everything are evident. From decorations to activities, food, music, shopping, busyness … Christmas is everywhere!

In the last entry, I suggested that each of us could “create the holiday experience we want to have“. How are you doing with that? Are you freely choosing what is filling your life these days? Do you know what you really want to experience more than anything?

Or … have overwhelm, anxiety, craziness, “should” or habit taken over?

Today, take just a moment to stop. Step outside of whatever you are doing and close your eyes. Invite several deep breaths, the kind that slow your heart beat, slow your mind, call you inward. Then imagine what is “on the plate” for today. Imagine the people and activities that you've scheduled in. Call to mind and heart just why each is happening. Likely there is a beautiful reason! From this place of calm knowing, ask yourself:

What if this was easy?
What if this was perfect?

Then listen. Maybe you'll hear guidance that suggests a shift in the “how” of what is happening, a shift that invites ease. Maybe you'll hear a deep love that says, “Yes, this is perfect. Enjoy it!”

Whatever you hear, take another deep breath, and another. Gently open your eyes and with this bit of guidance from your inner self, smile … and return to your day.

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Create Your Holiday Experience

Today is the first Sunday following Thanksgiving, 2011. As has been the custom for many years now, my husband surprised me with a small Christmas tree in my personal coaching/writing/meditation space on Thanksgiving morning. Even though this gift has faithfully appeared for years now, I am always surprised and always appreciative. It's not that I can't wait for Christmas or want to hurry the season along. Rather, I find the lights of the holiday season to be magical, joyful, peaceful. They help me be in the spirit. He knows this … and honors me by remembering and gifting me in this way.

In one respect, this act is quite simple. From another perspective, it is generous beyond measure. It represents his love and could easily fill every desire I have to receive. One small, lit, tree brings me that much joy!

Perhaps you have one or two traditions that truly make your holiday. Probably, the members of your family some as well. Without these, the season would be empty or at least, less rich. With them, not much else matters. Do you know what they are?

In the same way, each of us has day to day habits and practices which are meaningful, bring us peace, sanity, joy in living. Maybe you can't live without a daily walk, prayer, children's hugs, time alone, or a good night's sleep. Maybe a quick phone chat with your Mom is a sacred part of every day. Here's a question for you:

When, in the busyness of the season you let go of these daily must haves,
what is the impact on your well-being?

This year, I'd like to offer a few questions for you to ponder. Maybe you'd like to share them with folks in your home as well. Together, create a holiday season that nurtures each of you.
  • What one or two (three?) holiday traditions are absolutely crucial to each of you?
  • What do you want to feel like when the holiday season is over – on December 26 or January 1, 2012?
  • Which of your family and friends must you spend quality time with?
  • What personal habits and practices are so vital that you dare not abandon them?
For a bit more on the subject of holiday creating, read:

Who do you want to BE this holiday season?

For a fun addition to your holiday gift giving, consider adding an inspiration card to each package!

Click to see them all and make your purchase Click to see them all and make your purchase
Click on an image to see all the cards and place your order!

If coffee, tea, and breakfast in a beautiful, relaxing atmosphere sounds delightful, check out Atlas Coffee Mill and Cafe in Appleton. Consider joining me at 8:15 am on Sunday, December 4, 2011. I get to bring my guitar and share positive, uplifting, acoustic music.

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The Purpose of Results

“And the results are in! Taking first place is … “

How well many of us have learned to complete the work and then wait … for the grades, the ribbon, the score, the results. Then what? Well, pass judgment! If the results are positive, we can judge ourselves worthy, capable, talented. If the results are negative, we can judge ourselves as bad – or – blame the judges and consider them unqualified to do their work! Is taking first place truly the reason we participate in athletic competitions or perform on an instrument or enter a cooking contest? Do our finest artisans put all their energy into winning?

I don't think so. I have come to believe that if winning or doing well is my purpose, and I judge my work by the outcome, then I miss out on the real purpose of the work: to learn, to grow, to expand. Growth and skill development in any area (physical wellness, relationships, artistic talent, public speaking, …) is a (sometimes life-long) process and can be an amazing journey punctuated by events where our current state of experience is seen and perhaps evaluated by others.

If our focus is on good results, then our learning is aimed at doing well in their eyes. If our focus is on the journey, then our learning is aimed at developing skills, trying new methods, expanding in the ways that our unique experience is calling for. In the first case, we aren't really adding anything new to the world. We are working to create what “they” like. In the second case, we are infusing our development with the uniqueness that we are. The result has the potential for something glorious and new!

Why, then, do we compete and invite the judging? Why allow our work to be seen side-by-side the work of others? Perhaps the reasons are many but I'd like to offer a few thoughts on the purpose of results.

Scores, grades, comments given by the judges about our work when used wisely help us to grow. When we use these external opinions, side-by-side our own thoughts and opinions, our personal experience, we give ourselves an opportunity to learn. What might we learn?

  • Our preferences are the same – or different – from those of others
  • Even when we feel nervous and inadequate, the result may please or help another
  • To improve, we must work on “that” skill
  • A little less sugar and the pie would have just the right amount of tartness
  • With a slight tweak in the placement of our feet, we'd bat the ball out of the park
Having received the feedback, we can choose to modify our work to please others – or not! We can choose to further develop our skills, or decide that we are comfortable with our level of expertise.

What part of your life journey is overly focused on results?
Where are you ready to invite feedback and learn?
What doors have you slammed shut following “negative” results?
What is possible when you focus on the journey?

Continue reading “The Purpose of Results”

The Conspiring Universe

I am writing today on an impulse. Early today, I sent a short midweek coaching tidbit to clients:

Our body is a powerful source of information, an ever-ready guide to support the decisions we make and the way we move in the world. Through our five physical senses and emotions, as well as through the energetic impulses and intuitive nudges we often ignore, our beings are ever trying to help us.

Today, gift yourself with some intentional pauses. Close your eyes. Release your thoughts. Relax into your body. And notice. Notice the energy vibrating in your limbs, organs, cells. Notice impulses. Notice the life within. Ask your body:

What message do you have for me?

Okay. So I asked clients to pause a few times today – intentionally. And, I do like to “practice what I preach”. As I was driving away from a morning yoga practice, I remembered this intention and thought:

What can I use as a pause reminder today?

At that moment, the light turned red. So did the next one. And the next! It wasn't until the 6th or 7th red light in a row that I made the connection! Dense? Slow? Finally I heard the Universe suggesting that traffic signals could be a reminder to pause – especially the red ones! I agreed to accept this as a touchstone for my day.

Here's the kicker. The next six or so traffic signals – every one of them that I encountered on my way to destination next – were green!

Yes I'm telling the truth! As I continue my study of intuition and paying attention to intuitive impulses, messages everywhere, I can't help but see this as the perfect universal nudge.

So today, consider pausing and listening to your body's messages. Consider also tuning into the Universe and ask:

What message is here now?

Continue reading “The Conspiring Universe”