When you take a break to play …

I just received a huge gift from a friend in Poland. We Skype regularly, Maria and I. Today, we began before I had finished my morning coffee – before I'd found my “grounding” in this day. What happened? My emotions were raw and tears consumed me for awhile. I found feelings of failure and inadequacy around my recent work and a huge lack of creativity in my creative projects, music, and workshop planning.

I've been working so hard! Yet it feels as if I am going backward, not forward, with just about everything.

Now, I believe in some things I haven't been practicing and I even know from personal experience that they work! What, you ask? Well…

Let it be easy!
Perfection is NOT admirable – there is gift in messy
Taking a break, getting a fresh perspective, is VITAL
Failure is not only NOT BAD, but part of the road to success

So, I made a commitment to Maria. Today I will play! Today I will be in the experience of cleaning out the storeroom with my son. Yes, play! I used to love doing this. And, I get to be part of an experience with my adult son. I get to NOT work on the next workshop today. I get to NOT practice yoga but practice presence in my life! Who knows what will happen?

I don't – but I trust that it will be good. So, I leave you now to go play. I'll return later and let you know what happened.

4:37 pm. I'm back! Details (the trivial part): 3 hours in the storeroom, moving stuff, tearing down boxes and packing material, carrying stuff upstairs, loading the van, and delivering to the second hand store. Then? My son agreed for the first time ever to come play volleyball with my Lawrence friends! Can a Mom still be proud – and have fun? Then we went to lunch at the restaurant where he works. Then moved his stuff from a rental back home (for the weekend). And finally, about 8 hours after we began, he is off to the restaurant and I am here with you … and a sore (but not too sore) back.

And the tears are tears of joy and they are right behind my eyes – nope! There is some welling up that is expanding in my throat and a bit of glare on the eyeballs. Gotta love it!!!

I feel gratitude, joy, fresh, connected, lighter, happy, fearless. I didn't miss my computer work, yoga, music. Actually, I had a hard time turning on the laptop to finish this check in that I'd promised. Glad I did, though. I was TEMPTED to WORK on a workshop this evening and my message from this morning indicates that I made a commitment NOT TO! Oh – thank you God for commitments and friends willing to receive them!

Thank you, Maria.

I guess the next step is remaining present and watching myself the next few days.

Will joy and lightness prevail?
What must I remember even as I re-engage in work? (Yes, there is work to be done)
What is the value in play?
What is the value in break from routine?
How about time with family?

What is your being asking of you?

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When You Take A Big Risk …

At the suggestion of my coach, Maripat Abbott of Manifesting Possibilities, I'm writing to share a recent experience that is rich in learning for me. We know, of course, that my learnings are meant to help you – and vice versa. So, whatever piece of this you need to hear today, may you hear it in your heart and allow it to move you forward toward your greater magnificence.

Recently, I took a risk and stepped out in a BIG way! I decided to sell the coaching cards that I create and not only have them posted on my website, but at Coaching Toys, the premiere source for coaching products as well. Within days, I filled four orders and my spirits were flying high! Then it came – the notice that one of those orders would be returned to me. The customer was not happy.

CRASH!!!!!!!!!! And not just CRASH, but I'd read the e-mail immediately after an hour long yoga practice that had ended with 15 minutes of sacred savasana meditation. My emotional body immediately registered fear, disappointment, sadness and I welled up with a chest full of tension and eyes full of tears. And my thoughts? What a mistake I've made! I may as well quit. Sadly, I went the step further to imagine that single customer telling everyone she knew how horrible the product was and to avoid it. Certainly I would never sell another deck of cards. The folks at Coaching Toys would be unhappy for the mark on their reputation. Yada, yada, yada.

Now, for my next steps and the learning along the way.

  • Jeanne, you are in the car ready to drive home. Stop reading. Breathe.
  • Jeanne, you are home. PAUSE. Breathe again. Read one more time for clarity and call your support system. It is VITAL to have a support system and CRITICAL to pause, and not REACT.
  • Know yourself. I know that when my physical body is overcome with emotion, I need to acknowledge it. Today there was sadness, anger, fear. And I needed to let the tears flow. My support system knows this and encourages me to be with my process.
  • Invite Wisdom to speak. Once emotions were no longer in the driver's seat, I could reconnect with my deeper awareness and purpose. Why am I selling the cards and what is true about this one person's reaction? I could see that the concern about the product spoke about both the product and the buyer. My intention was honorable and in integrity with my beliefs. If a change was needed, I would make it. I also saw that one buyer in a world of potential buyers, was just that, one.
  • Allow thoughts to flow. Consider possible action steps and choose from a place of clarity. Then get going.
With my inner being grounded in wisdom and my personal truth, the action steps were clear. And I took them. Since the end of the story is not the point, but your curiosity may be peaked, here you go. I contacted the folks at Coaching Toys and had a wonderful, supportive conversation. The product is still available and unchanged for now. Yes, I will adjust the cards before restocking. From “I may as well quit.” to “What changes will I make to improve the product?” all in a span of 1.5 hours!

In the past, something like this would have resulted in an extended period of depression, extreme self-doubt and shame, and quitting. What's more, projecting this potential result most often kept me from taking the risk in the first place!

I have seen first hand that when you risk – put yourself out there – some folks will smile and some will frown. Some will celebrate and others put you down. My boldest actions are not going to touch everyone the same way.

So why bother? Why risk rejection? Is it worth it?

You will have to decide that for yourself. In my case, I grow through every challenge. And, I grow and expand each time I am the recipient of another's risk taking! What if no one dared put out anything new because they feared rejection? What if no one marketed new products, recorded new songs, spoke at keynotes, shared their truth?

A friend of mine, Jana Stanfield, at the end of one of her CD's, spoke these words:

Share the gifts you have been given. The world would be a sad and lonely place if no birds sang except the very best.

These words have often reminded me that there is a place for me too. My gifts are meant to be shared and will impact someone. As long as I remain grounded in my deepest purpose and act in integrity with my truth, then the risk is worth it and I'll be prepared to handle whatever comes from it!

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Who are you really?

Who are you deep inside?
What do you value?

If you have ever experienced a life coaching session, you have probably spent some time looking inside to hear just what it is that really brings you alive and engages you passionately. From that place, you and your coach discovered some of your core values which, when honored day to day, make life worth living! Core values can include things like service, personal integrity, creativity, connection, security, honesty, joy. They are unique to you and drive your actions whether you know it or not.

Here are a few ways to uncover your core values:

  • What makes you upset, uncomfortable, perhaps angry? Dig into what is present in the opposite. If hoarding bothers you, perhaps you value simplicity or sharing or “wearing the world lightly”.
  • Recall an experience in your life when you were fully alive! You felt whole, engaged, strong, purposeful, totally comfortable in your own skin. Look deeply at who you were at that time. What qualities were present in you? What did you stand for? From here, what do you know that you value?
  • Find a life coach and ask for a session around core values.
You may be asking, “Why?”. Have you ever met someone whose passion was evident and whose energy irresistible? Think about that experience you recalled above. Were you irresistible – even powerful – in that moment? Imagine bringing that energy into all areas of your life. What is possible when we act from our core values, our inner truth? How much more do we offer the world in those moments?

Once you have identified even a few core values that you hold dear, take some time to survey your life:

What aspects of you show up and play full out in your life?
Where are your thoughts, words and actions aligned with your values?
Where do you hold back?
Who or what is missing out on “all of you”?
What more is possible?

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Are You Happy?

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Do you know that happiness is a choice? Happiness, like a skill, can be developed. Happiness, like a muscle, can be exercised. And happiness breeds happiness! It also fosters health, satisfaction, and a deep joy in living.

The recipe for happiness is different for each and every one of us. Yet research shows that play, new experiences, treasuring friends and family, meaningful activities, and appreciating what we have are some key ways that people experience happiness. It is also true that we human beings are social creatures. Around the world, the researchers have discovered that folks who spend considerable time experiencing community and bringing qualities like altruism, compassion, love and joy to community may be the happiest of all!

If you are in the Fox Cities area, please mark your calendar now and join our community in conversation spawned by the 57 minute documentary, The Happy Movie.

Monday, January 23, 3:00-5:00 pm, Appleton Public Library
Thursday, January 26, 8:00-10:00 pm, Lawrence University Campus Center
Thursday, February 2, 6:30-8:30 pm, Appleton North High School

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The Journey

This morning, I was prompted to let my “future self” speak to me. If you haven't ever done this, it can be quite powerful. Imagining myself 20-30 years into the future and looking back on today, I invited that older, wiser woman to guide me.

What should I focus on today? What is mine to do?

And I heard:

From this vantage point, beautiful Jeanne, I know that you will have arrived somewhere beautiful. It doesn't matter exactly what you do – or don't do. Really it doesn't! Everything moves on, flows, shifts and changes. So every structure you build will be torn down or disposed of. The most important aspect of “now” is the journey. What are you learning about navigating the journey? What are you learning about change? What are you teaching others about these things?

Oh! Down the road, it really won't matter exactly what I do today. The physical, tangible results created today will expire.

Then what matters?

To this, I heard two things:
  • How am I being on the journey?
  • What qualities do I want more of in the world?
And they are related. I want more presence, calm, ease, and joy in the world. My part in this vision is to be presence, calm, ease and joy in all that I do. My part is to navigate this life journey in a way that allows me to flow with the changes, do “it” from a place of presence. My part is to be in all that I do.

I know this message isn't new to many of you. It isn't new to me! Yet for some reason I needed to “hear” it today. Today is a piece of the journey. What I do today is less important than how I do it. I choose to do “it” with the awareness of what I want more of in the world.

How about you?

What to you vision for the world?
How will your journey today reflect your vision?

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