“My” Ideas … really?

This morning, I answered a question from my life coach about my upcoming workshop. Maripat asked: How are you feeling about it? And I wrote:

Thanks for asking. I am flowing – in and out of everything from mild concern to trusting that each and every person will get what they need – whatever and from wherever it comes. I’ve pretty much settled on that being a key piece to how I approach and open each workshop. “I offer ideas. You may or may not resonate with any/all of them. Your answers are found in you as you listen within and without and notice the impact.”

I continued …

I am using ideas – mostly from my own intuition. So, since you asked, I do hear a bit of fear – what if “my” ideas flop? INTERESTING!

Let me shift the perspective a bit. The Universe has dropped golden nuggets into my awareness. Like the lyrics and music I write, I transcribe the ideas, the lyrics, the notes. I bring them into manifestation. They began in and belong to the greater whole, universal mind. [this is a new idea and I am tearing up] This makes them perfect – and – temporary. They are here now to be released and have an impact. They are not meant to be free standing, or be “put on a pedestal” and admired. They are meant to be honored, used, and allowed to transform as they are touched and received by the world, the folks in this workshop.

This way of being invites me to go to the workshop with TOTAL CURIOSITY and wonder. What is meant to be planted, sprout, blossom, or be released in each person? What is possible because I am willing to be the conduit through which the Universe got this message across?
I am sitting in awe of the wisdom that just flowed through me. Not from, but through me and intended for all of humanity.

What if each of us allowed ideas to flow through us into manifestation?
What ideas are you blocking?
What are hanging onto as yours?
What idea would help you embrace your part in evolution?

What would free you?

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Sometimes it’s the little things…

You've probably heard “sometimes it's the little things” in reference to what “he” does for you … or “she” does. This time, I'm actually thinking about “me”.

This past weekend, I let go of projects and what I could “work” on or even “should” do. I just let go. And in the space, I heard some things, some options that surprised me as they seemed to come from nowhere, and others which had resurfaced because there was space.

And I listened. And the weekend just flowed. Well, except for the Sunday afternoon football game (are you a Packer fan?) that is!

Here are a few of those little things:

  • I polished my dress black shoes!
  • Made the guest room bed after a week of letting the sheets hang out in a pile
  • Walked to Kohl's, found the perfect dress coat, and bought it. Here's the thing: this is the first new dress coat I've purchased in 30 years! I asked for help to make the experience easeful and was treated to a warm and friendly smile at the check out. For the first time ever, I think, I came home and completed the “how did we do?” survey!
  • Took time to cook a nice meal – for me
  • Enjoyed a bubble bath for the first time in many months
So what's the big deal? Well, I noticed a very grateful, peaceful, happy Jeanne when I got out of bed this morning. I believe it's because I listened to her spirit and gave her a few simple gifts, the greatest of which was to listen to her and pay attention.

How about you? While making a bed may not make your spirit happy, what would? What little things would make a big difference to your inner being today?

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Another One Bites the Dust!

Or, more accurately, “Another one flies!”

Yesterday, I again had the privilege of witnessing a client say: I'm ready to fly! What that means is that she had taken a look inside, discovered fear and those “small voices” holding her back, and grew. She faced each one head on by taking actions in her life to strip away the power it had over her. She courageously moved into the driver's seat, into empowered leadership in her own life. From here, everything is now possible except, she said, “going back to the way it was.”

Are you flying in your life?

Do your actions and activities, dreams and goals, thoughts and beliefs reflect you? Are you free to choose from life's banquet and honor your unique set of talents, creative sparks, ideas?

Or, is your life a reflection, perhaps a very successful reflection, of well meaning parents, teachers, mentors, and friends and filled with what you should do or what is “right”? Unfortunately, this is the case for many Americans who have put such a high price on freedom yet live in emotional bondage.

Today, let the questions behind this card guide you in an inner exploration of your personal freedom or bondage:

It's Time Break Free Coaching Prompts

Consider also if your life is ready for a coach to accompany you on the path to freedom!

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A Physical Train Wreck

A new day. Yup, it is! Physically, though, I feel like the aftermath of a train wreck (a.k.a. a night of NO good sleep and a cold that worsened instead of disappeared). The last time I wrote, you read:

When It's Time To Stop

Sound familiar? Well, actually that was a very different situation and life has been so filled since then! I did, however, go back there to hear needed wisdom. And I heard “Breathe. Pause and do something to re-ground, re-center”.

Now, I really thought I HAD BEEN doing that these last weeks which were filled with spiritual connection and family visits, time with old and new friends, volunteer work, music! Yet, I arrived in this day so sick I cancelled appointments at 3:00am and am here with you now.

What do I have to offer? Well, I know it won't work to:

  • Berate myself for getting sick
  • Keep going and deny that I am sick
  • Focus on the fact the I am sick
What will work is to remember:
  • The body is a natural healer and needs only the environment (rest, liquids, food, …) to support its process.
  • Emotions contribute to ill-health so gift myself with a journey inside to see what leftovers I am carrying around, what I've stuffed down in to block the flow of healthy energy.
  • I am so much more than this physical body. I am a spiritual being having a human experience. What is my spirit seeking to learn through this one?
So today, I am cleaning up the train wreck – gently and slowly. I am breathing deeply. I will make connections with friends who can hold my spirit as I let the emotions flow. I will rest when the body is able and move when it feels good.

I hope you don't need this train wreck message today. But if you do, know that I am sending you the willingness to let gentleness guide your actions today!

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When It’s Time To Stop

Today, my being said, “STOP!”. Yes, in BIG BOLD letters I heard:

Stop. Take a break. You have nothing left to give.

Have you ever gotten that message? Do you heed it when it comes? Do you know the signs leading up to it?

I don't always heed the signs. All too often, I keep going, keep pushing, keep doing, keep on keepin' on.

Today, I felt like I didn't have a choice but to heed the warning. While I wanted to write a Tidbit for you, I had nothing to say. I wanted to do something creative, nothing sounded interesting. I didn't want to be alone – but I didn't want to be with a friend either. I tried shopping for something that would make me smile, but I only walked aimlessly through the store. The only thing that seemed possible was cry, crash, and burn. While this isn't true for everyone, for me, that's depression talking. And when my body gives me that message, I'm long overdue on something!

What about you? How do your body, mind, emotion, and spirit inform you when:

  • You've been working too hard for too long …
  • You need some time alone to recharge …
  • You just need to play a little bit …
  • You need to treat yourself to something special …
  • … it is time to STOP!
And do you have a practice, a habit, for listening regularly to the messages from your being so that you catch the “early warning signs”? It can be as simple as five deep breaths several times a day – OR – a morning and evening centering time. Imagine five minutes to get grounded in the day and another five to close out the evening. Once that becomes a habit, a couple things will happen:
  1. You'll come to appreciate it and it will add value to your life experience
  2. You'll notice when the habit slips, you forget, or you're too distracted to “do it justice” – this, then, is your early warning sign
For the next 21 days, try it … you just may like it!

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