The BE-DO-HAVE Experience

There are 17 days before people around the world celebrate Christmas, a holiday whose deepest intention, to remind Christians of the birth of their savior, is often lost in the commercial wrappings. I am far from alone in seeking an experience of the season that is rich with meaning, true to the ideals of peace, joy, love, and hope, and beautiful rather than draining.

Each one of us will have a different vision for that ideal experience. Your meaningful and beautiful holiday might be filled with people and parties and joy while mine might be homemade presents and intimate luncheons. Our neighbor might focus solely on Christmas caroling and choirs, religious services and donating time at the local food pantry.

Many of was want all of this and more for our ideal season. And when a day like today arrives, a Saturday wide open with time to get things done, we ask: What will I do now? What must get done? Where will I start? And before long, the crazies can set in. I found myself beginning to race within 30 minutes of waking up today. My list had “write a tidbit” and my crazies centered around, “What will I write about?” Continue reading “The BE-DO-HAVE Experience”

Open “Your” Presence

As I write, the calendar suggests that Thanksgiving is in the past and Christmas is ahead. Black Friday and its extension into Thursday this year have happened. Perhaps you are a shopper; perhaps not. Maybe you left consumerism long ago; maybe not. Maybe the season is filled with ongoing moments of joy and happiness for you; maybe not.

The fact that I am not alone in experiencing challenges this time of year has led me to collaborate with Sarah Crawford of Sitawi Life Coaching, LLC and offer a workshop that is sure to help you create a meaningful holiday season:

Opening Your Presence: the Gift that Keeps on Giving (find on Facebook)

Saturday, December 1, 1:30-4:30, Appleton, WI

Please join us! And … join me now in a little play on words. As I was thinking about the season this morning, I asked myself: What really matters to me? What is the season about for me? I again heard that it was about relationships and people. Yet I noticed that when it comes to my family of origin, folks I spent Thanksgiving day with, I too often miss their presence, their unique essence.

The workshop is about opening my presence and bringing my best self forward throughout the holidays. I wonder:

What would happen if my focus was on you?
What if I spent my energy, focused my attention and intention, on inviting your presence, your best self to shine?
What if I “opened your presence” this holiday season?
I imagine joy and light shining from each sacred being around me! How is it that I too often miss this joy? Well, I miss out on your presence when:

  • I’m busy “doing”
  • I’m in my head thinking
  • I’m worried about what you think
  • I’m rehashing old stories about you, ways I’ve labeled you

What if, instead, you were a present to be opened? What if each person I meet during this holiday season is an unopened gift and I get to experience that gift with all the excitement, anticipation, joy and delight of a child? What if I stop everything I’m doing and thinking and focus on the gift? What is possible from here? For me, my “presence” will be wide open and my holiday season filled with joy and connection and free of distraction. All I need to remember is this:

You are a gift. I get to open your presence and receive you.
Thank you!
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Flow Like A River

Recently, I had the privilege of being with a group of caregivers at a luncheon to honor the sacred, generous work that they do every day with their loved ones. The topic was “Flow Like A River” and I was invited to share music in support of life’s flow, change, impermanence. What I’d like to share with you now is the wisdom that came from the attendees when asked:

What does “Flow Like A River” mean to you?

I heard things like:

There’s always an obstacle getting in the way.

I need to be willing to flex and bend like the river when it crashes into boulders.

Life moves more slowly now, like the water at the bottom of the stream, deep, peaceful.

My loved one just isn’t the same anymore and I need to accept that. I realize, too, that I am still me and I must reclaim who I am when not in relationship.

What was left for me to add? These folks who give of themselves day in and day out gave the gift of understanding and love to one another through their willingness to find and share their deep truths about life as they now experience it. It was so beautiful and, I believe, healing for everyone who attended.

While I didn’t have much to say, we did share this song together:

Living Like Water
(inspired by DailyOM for March 24, 2009)
Living like water, ease in the flow.
Graceful and humble, onward it goes.
Are you like water? Have you let go?
Living as water, one with life’s flow.

Just as water flows within the banks of mother stream
so the family we behold will shape our life and dreams.
Twisting, turning as the stream with ease we move and bend round
obstacles ahead of us – the gifts that Life does send!

Water at the precipice does crash but does not stay.
Fiercely moving forward smoothing rocks along the way!
So must we when darkness comes and hovers at our side
travel on with courage that within us does reside.

Rivers flow and find themselves united in the sea
never fearing loss of each unique identity.
Beyond the ego, merged with others in community,
following the river’s lead we share our energy!

Water now teach me all that you know.
Show me your pathways to live in the flow.

Living like water, ease in the flow.
Graceful and humble, onward it goes.
Are you like water? Have you let go?
Living as water, one with life’s flow.

by Jeanne Loehnis

What does the river have to teach you?
Where does your life flow? Crash?
What is yours to learn?

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All Are One

Perhaps you share a belief, a way of holding the world, that parallels this idea:

We are all one, interconnected, not separate.

And maybe you don’t! And that is, of course, OKAY! Yet I thought I would share one way that this idea impacts me.

I am an entrepreneur, a life coach and motivational speaker. I am one of many, many people who depend on others to find value in their work and life expression for their livelihood, many who do the same type of work I do. If I hold each of these other beings as my competitor and separate from me, then I am filled with anxiety, fear, a need to out do or look better than, or perhaps, a feeling of less than and hopelessness. Not only do these feelings build a wall between you and me, they cut a deep slice between me and my inner, creative self which I need in order to motivate, inspire, and be with my coaching clients and workshop attendees.

Do you ever feel this type of separation from others?

What happens when instead, I look at my competitors as one with me, and see us traveling the same path, desiring to have a positive impact in the world? For me, this opens my mind and heart to a very different experience! My awareness begins to include:

I/We are working for a better world!
There is never too much love.
The world needs all of us.
There is room for each of us to share our gifts.
Your success adds to the awareness of what I believe in!
As you impact the world, more people become aware of positive, empowering ideas.

Yesterday, “me and my guitar” showed up to gift a group of caregivers. I shared some of my own music, but also a piece by Jana Stanfield ( a woman whose work and life have greatly impacted my own. I found it easy to sing her praises and many asked for her contact information and website.

But what about me?

It didn’t even show up! When I am open and feeling connection and oneness, we’re simply all in this together and there is always enough. Proof? As I was packing up, one of the attendees came over to me and asked: And who are you? Where have you been? You are so gifted. Why don’t I know about you? He was a Jana Stanfield fan who could see in me similar gifts. What does this tell me? Well, I have learned so much from that amazing woman! Sharing Jana with others does not diminish me. In fact, we are one in heart and intention. It is a privilege to let the world know about Jana through my words … and, I guess, through my talent!

When I am open, share ideas, support and encourage others, see us as connected rather than separate, my world expands! I learn from you. You receive my gifts and together we grow.

In what ways do you remain separate?
What would a sense of interconnectedness, oneness do?
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Deep breath. Another. Relax. Be here now. What do you notice?

In this moment, I am 28 hours away from boarding a plane to Maui for the first family vacation in many years. In the days leading up to this moment, I have planned, packed, gotten excited, noticed and released fear, basically … “gotten ready”.

And, today … today holds moments that aren’t Maui moments. Today offers Life in the form of now moments. Every day offers these. The question is:

Do I cherish them?

Am I present, here and now, to the people, emotions, delights, ideas, activities present now? Or am I caught up in planning for tomorrow … and the tomorrow after that? Or perhaps caught up in rehashing yesterday … and the yesterday before that?

This is nothing new! I realize that. Yet, today I choose to appreciate now, and the sacred gift of life that I have been given again this day.

Will you join me?

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