Ah, the Busy Lives We Lead

Ah, the busy lives we lead.
Day after day we do good deeds.
Slowing seldom to catch our breath.
Never does our spirit rest.

Hurriedly moving from task to task,
wanting each to be the last.
Yet making more lists before the dawn,
reminding ourselves we’ll never be done.

When can we possibly stop to learn
for what exactly our hearts do yearn?
How can we know just how we feel
if we never get off the spinning wheel?

And Spirit, our Guide, do we consult?
Doubtful in all this moving about.
Too busy to seek the Guiding Way.
“I must keep going, keep doing.”, we say.

Here on this porch at break of day
before the sun has lit the way,
as the weekend begins its course,
I am at peace, without remorse.

I’ve come to connect with inner light,
to pause for guidance whispered, right.
Noting again the sky so vast.
Knowing my place, at rest, at last.

By Jeanne Loehnis, September 2004

A Mother’s Love

It hurts to see you travel down dark roads I’ve walked before:
roads so full of pain that I was forced to close the door.
“Choices make the man” and I have learned much from that path.
Oh how I’d hoped to steer you clear and be your guiding hand.

But the time has come and I know well deep in my heart
that I cannot protect you and that we must be apart.
Although your life will take you far from home and lifelong friends,
know my love goes with you and my prayers will never end.

As you journey down the crooked path of life on earth,
treasure, please, a memory for the one who gave you birth.
This memory is the key that will unlock a private door
that you can walk through anytime and know my love once more.

Enter, son, and you will find a fire burning bright.
‘Tis this mother’s love that only your smile can ignite.
The hearth will be there always for there’s nothing can destroy
the bond that Love has nurtured ‘tween a mother and her boy.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2004

A Father’s Day Poem

As long as Daddy’s arms, open wide for me.
And Dad who knows all, tells me what I need.
As long as Daddy’s love cares for and comforts me.
I know that I’ll be safe along life’s way.
My Daddy guides my footsteps every day.

Often times when I was young. I would turn to Dad.
Needing reassurance, Dad always knew the plan.
Oh, it was so simple, Dad’s love was plain to see.
No matter the day or time, my Dad was there for me.

As long as Daddy’s arms, open wide for me.
And Dad who knows all, tells me what I need.
As long as Daddy’s love cares for and comforts me.
I know that I’ll be safe along life’s way.
My Daddy guides my footsteps every day.

I have grown much older now. Dad’s not always here.
Even in his presence, at times I feel such fear!
Dad’s not always perfect; love human can be weak.
But I’ve found an inner guide, whose wisdom I now seek.

As long as God’s light shines through the night
And as God’s presence fills each passing day
As long as God’s light pierces the darkest night
I know that I’ll be safe along life’s way.
I know God guides my footsteps every day.

In those times when I’m afraid, feeling all alone.
Don’t know where I’m going, don’t want to go back home!
Now I just remember, I’m always in God’s care.
And wherever I am, God’s promised to be there.

As long as God’s light shines through the night
And as God’s presence fills each passing day
As long as God’s light pierces the darkest night
I know that I’ll be safe along life’s way.
I know God guides my footsteps every day.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2003
Also set to music available at www.SongsForYourSpirit.com

Feed the Children

Feed the children.
Parents here and everywhere
doing more than their fair share
hearts ablaze with love and care to

Feed the children.
Tired, yet another day
rising ‘fore the sun’s sweet ray
again to lead, to show the way … and

Feed the children.
Off to work out in the field
at the office, behind the wheel.
Home to cook the evening meal and

Feed the children.
Often without gratitude
children drain the life from you
dare to ask to be excused. Yet we

Feed the children.
Look within your heart of hearts.
Do not let your love depart
from the place where love must start. Please

Feed the children.
Whether they be young or old
of your womb or round the world
gather each into the fold and

Feed the children.
Look around at sea and sky
cross the valleys, up mountains high.
Know what’s yours and do it – Why? to

Feed the children.

The 12 Steps For Spiritual Growth

  1. Became open to the possibility that I am not alone in this world and that I was created with intention and for a purpose by a master creator.
  2. Came to believe that the master creator made me special, whole, and complete and has planted within me all that I need to blossom into my fullest potential.
  3. Made a conscious decision to accept this great gift of life and to live each day to the fullest.
  4. Completed an honest evaluation of my personal strengths, seeing each as a gift from the master creator, and knowing that it is my privilege and responsibility to develop these gifts and to share them with the world.
  5. Honoring my truth as a spiritual being created with purpose, discussed my personal strengths with those persons who would encourage me to grow my talents and to share them freely.
  6. Sensing my own fear and hesitation surrounding owning and developing my strengths, learned that true humility is not merely admitting our mistakes; rather it is the egoless and joyful expression of our personal gifts as we walk this planet.
  7. In true humility, made an agreement with the master creator to explore, develop, and release the gifts I’ve been given into the world.
  8. Became aware of the ways in which I have abandoned my spiritual self by rejecting or ignoring the gifts that are mine to give.
  9. Through action, sometimes in the smallest of baby steps, began to develop my gifts and to see in myself the beautiful, glorious creation that I was made to be!
  10. Regularly reviewed my personal gifts and the progress I have made toward their fullest expression, noting where adjustments were needed for continued growth.
  11. Sought through direct connection with the master creator to learn where I was to share my talents and to receive the necessary courage and strength to do so in true humility.
  12. Having learned to love and respect the magnificent creation that I am, shared myself and my gifts with others in every area of my life.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2006