Away In A Manger (additional lyrics)

Away In A Manger (additional lyrics)

Imagine the manger where your spirit waits.
Surrounded, enfolded in loving embrace.
Preparing for living each day unafraid.
Infilling with God light that never will fade.

Burst forth from your manger! Now let your light shine.
Fly freely as angels: 'tis heavn'ly design.
And be for your neighbor a clear guiding sign
of joy that will bless us this Christmas time.

By Jeanne Loehnis, December 2006

Each Day A New Beginning

Another new year has begun! Once again, we begin a cycle of 365 days during which we will:

  • change the number with which we measure our years on earth
  • receive another evaluation at our job
  • create a budget to manage our finances and trust our income will keep up

For many, January 1st is yet one more chance to start anew the diet or exercise routine that promises to be the perfect fix. For some, it means hope; for others, the beginning of another round of hopelessness.

What does January 1st mean for you? What would you like it to mean? Would you like to try something different this year? Continue reading “Each Day A New Beginning”


As Spirit is …
so I am.
As I show up …
so is Spirit made manifest.
As I allow Spirit’s voice to speak through me …
so do others hear the message.
As Spirit sings …
so is harmony created and expressed.
As my soul resonates with others in Spirit’s song …
so does the world reverberate with energy to move mountains!

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007


My answers come from deep within
when I but turn my gaze
to the soul which I have chosen
for the meaning of my days.

She’s personal and private
and wise beyond my years.
She’s hidden in my rain forest
and cried for 50 years.

Today she glimpsed the sun
as I cracked the door ajar.
And blossoms now are growing
in the garden of her heart.

My soul, my precious Ariel,
awake and shining bright
is warmth and clarity by day
and calming rest by night.

‘Tis Ariel who guides me.
Her voice — my every song.
Together such rich harmony!
To Ariel I belong.

April 2009

Amazing Grace (Unity style)

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that sings deep in my soul!
Since long before I saw the sun
with Spirit I was whole.

Through every challenge in my life
with Spirit I’ve flown free!
Sweet grace has been my constant guide.
I know sweet liberty!

Wherever life will take me next
with Spirit’s eyes I’ll see
the path that’s in the blessed flow.
With Spirit I am free!

And when as Spirit I shall fly
to worlds beyond the sun:
sweet grace you’ll hear! My soul will sing
its pure sweet freedom song.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2005