
As the lion found within himself that courage ever dwells,
so I have excavated and my soul it now reveals
courage long forgotten after years of gross neglect.
Yet, dusted off and now embraced, it leads. For time has kept

its latent strength undamaged, its potency, yet pure.
With courage, cradled now in prayer, each step I can endure.
I walk into the world with ease, no need have I for fear.
That foe of creativity is no longer welcome here.

Courage, now and always, ever mine as I but choose
to feel its presence deeply, then walk on within its shoes.
Courage as my foothold leaves me free to flow with ease.
Now the challenges before me are great possibilities!

Walking in the world today with courage at my side,
I freely now reveal all that in me I used to hide.
With courage as my partner, Divine Mind my constant guest,
dreams that grow within me are with ease made manifest!

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2008


Do I yearn for deeper peace
or must I energize, release?
Need I further go within
if I am others to enlighten?

Is the spectrum, far and wide
to be traveled, Master Guide?
If I follow, will You lead?
Clearly will I Your direction see?

Or will experiments aplenty
naught but confuse, ever torment me?
Help me see with vision clear
signs You send both far and near.

Give me courage now to follow …
move with You into tomorrow.
Each day dawning as the sun
radiates ever as the One.

Source of hope and joy and strength
I will go to any length
to complete my soul’s own journey.
Spirit, with You, I’ll not worry.


Common Dough

As humans we create our lives
by blending both the truth and lies.
And from this mixture we become
unique and independent sons.

Confused and all alone we fight
to build the dream that is our life.
Perhaps what needs again be said
is that this living, tangled web

has at its core the common dough.
It doesn’t matter where we go.
The dough will ever always rise
and fortify our human lives.

Provide the strength so we endure
despite the frosted crust that lures
us ever onward, up, and out:
away from Source, and into doubt.

For here we see our separateness:
our talk, our walk, our differences.
Yet from within the union calls
inviting us to go beyond

and reconnect the human dots
before we hurt and leave to rot
another soul at depth the same
as we, ourselves. We share the name

of Truth, of Love, of inner Light
that’s ever present, ever bright.
Common dough which nurtures all
who dare respond to Spirit’s call.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2004


The story of the infant
born of Love in yonder cave
was heralded by angels
on that blessed Christmas day!

When shepherds heard the news,
they joined the angel chorus
and visited the stable;
went to see the child glorious.

Bearers, too, of many gifts
journeyed ‘cross the land
to see the child wrapped in Love:
God’s call to understand.

Today as we create anew
the story of the Christ’s birth,
we sing again as angels did.
We herald our own birth.

For the child born in Bethlehem
is nestled in our hearts.
As one, this Love and we shall be.
And never shall we part.

Our lives will be transformed
by Love burning in our soul.
We’ll place this Light before us:
seek Love’s message as our goal.

Our friends, the folks who love us,
are the shepherds. And we know
they encourage and support us:
sing our Truth as we do grow.

Gifts of plenty shower all
when Jesus’ Truth bursts forth
as love and peace and joy from
our own hearts on Christmas morn!

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2003

Building Our Church Vision

I hold a vision:
every one of you here
sharing of yourself;
growing through your fear.

Sharing what you are.
Sharing of your wealth.
Sharing, too, your need
that I may give, too, of myself.

Offer up ideas
whether great or small.
Certainly you know
that sweet Spirit made them all.

Guidance always from the One
through channels on the earth.
Every human vessel
holds a pearl of treasured worth.

Add unto the melting pot
each spark from Spirit true.
Together now we pray;
to Love’s ideas add the glue.

Building our church vision
is the task we face today.
Excited, we begin
for we know Truth lights the way.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2002, 2007