Guided By Spirit

With ease I now follow the path that is mine.
I’m confident as I move with the Divine.
Excited and joyful, I learn something new.
I am a child, the world’s ever new!

Questions no longer haunt each waking thought.
Answers are clear and need never be sought.
Always in touch with the wisdom inside,
I know in each moment that Spirit now drives.

Deep in the flow of sweet spiritual grace,
I center myself and I feel Her embrace.
I’m cradled in current that’s rich and secure.
My steps are directed. My purpose is pure.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2008

God’s Garden

God planted a rich garden so many years ago,
Mother Earth its name, and blooms forever grow.
Various and beautiful, colorful and strong
are the fruits of God’s great garden where you and I belong.

Planted in the soil of God’s Love and Wisdom pure,
Nurtured by the Word until ready we emerge.
Guided, too, by other plants which blossom at our side.
Our lives take shape, our gifts expand and we now share in stride.

Side by side another plant, whose thorns may cause us pain.
Yet co-exist we must; for our soil is the same.
Tolerate, experience the pain to grow yet more.
Miracle of life, soon the thorn his blossom shores.

Connected all as one in this garden on the Earth,
Sharing all one soil, water, sunlight: all one birth.
The seed of God’s sweet Love was planted deep within us all.
Be blessed, my friend, and may your life be rich: grow strong and tall.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2003

God’s Eyes

God opened the eye of the morning and watched.
Rays of sunlight stretched across the horizon.
Love’s eye of the day, its iris widened.

Flowers, responding to Love’s watch,
Open themselves to the day.
Petals warmed by Love’s eye on display.

People waken and Love expands its vision.
Love sees all, knows all, and provides guidance
As we become alive with the day’s activity.

Even when we cannot see God’s watchful eye,
When clouds of fear and hate and despair block our vision,
God’s love and care envelop us.

And as evening nears and the eye of the day
takes its rest beyond the horizon, we are protected.
‘Tis God’s resting eye, the eye of the night, we now see.

Moon rays remind us of God’s never ending Presence.
Always we are protected, surrounded, guided.
Always we are enfolded in Love.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2002

God’s Bright Shining Star

If I hide my light so no one can see
then no one can be enlightened through me.
If God walks the Earth as you and as me,
then God’s ways are known only as we …

model to all Love’s goodness and light
throughout every day and into the night.
Rest then. In dreams more Truth will be told.
Waken to new days, aware that we hold …

the gift of a lifetime in vessels of flesh:
ever renewed, ever refreshed.
Shine now Love’s light on all that we are
Be for the world God’s bright shining star!

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007

Formed by the Trinity

Formed of clay, of earth, of water…
Son of God, the artful Potter.

I, a flute, the purest channel.
Holy Spirit through me travels.

God, the Master, directs the flow
with hands adept upon the holes.

Beautiful music flows through me.
My life formed by the Trinity.

August 2009