Listen to the Whisper

Listen to the whisper
for in you it dwells secure
and with but a passing glance
reveals its mystical allure.

Listen to the whisper
having gently drawn the bridge
closed the door to outer noise
and awakened thoughts within.

Listen to the whisper
while a butterfly at rest
captures your attention
with its beauty unsurpassed.

Listen to the whisper
’tis pure Love that yearns to mold
your thoughts so blessed and pure
while you dwell safe within the fold.

Listen to the whisper
sacred voice of intuition
lives within to give direction
guidance clear is Love’s intention.

Listen to the whisper
‘fore necessity requires
that Love’s voice express Its message
’tis each soul’s intense desire.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007

In My Heart of Hearts

In my heart of hearts
I want nothing more
than to reach beyond the wall:
walk straight through the door.
In my heart of hearts
I am standing tall.
Facing possibilities,
I have no fear at all

Funny how I’ve stood
so many times before
face to face unto this wall
and never seen a door.

The wall’s a line unto the sand
that limits what I see.
I focus on the life in view:
reducing possibility.

I’ve drawn this line unto the sand,
turned my back so I’ll not see
the realms that stretch before me:
life’s true immensity.

If but one breath I’d blow
across the line that I’ve embraced,
In just that instant I would find
the line to be erased.

So simple yet I hesitate
my line now to release.
Yet when I do I’ll find myself
enfolded in sweet peace.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007

I Think

I think I hear a message.
I think God has a plan.
I think that I’ve been sent here
to lend a helping hand.
I think there is a need
God’s sent you here to fill.
I think your life’s been planned
to be a miracle!
I think we each are needed
on this planet day by day
to share our gifts and talents
with others on our way.
I think that what you offer
is wonderful and true.
You share from wealth within —
that which is uniquely you.
by Jeanne Loehnis, March 2004

I Check My Ego At The Door

As I waken from my sleep this day,
to serve You, God, once more,
I place the outcome in Your hands.
I check my ego at the door.

I go about my daily tasks,
No person I implore
To live their life my way. No,
I check my ego at the door.

I’ve learned that God’s rich plan has room
for each of us to soar!
I know not, friend, what’s best for you.
I check my ego at the door.

I listen as you share the dreams
you know God has in store.
And I support you on your way.
I check my ego at the door.

For me, I choose the path of Truth:
I listen yet once more
that guided all my steps will be.
I check my ego at the door.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2002

Heaven’s Garden

In the garden are many beautiful flowers,
each awaiting its right and perfect bloom-time.
I, the gardener, tend each and every one.

In this garden,
I walk among the flowering plants,
each with its own cycle of maturation and death.

As gardener, I seek to nourish each
with individual attention suited to the need:
just the right amount of sunlight, water, shade, and darkness.

I prune and transplant when needed.
I arrange so that the blooms, in their glory,
will enhance the beauty of their neighbor.

Ah, the Master Gardener in Her infinite wisdom
has led Her flowers to this place and this time
knowing that this collection of blooms
will celebrate each other
and create beautiful music at each other’s side.

Bloom, child of heaven’s garden.
Shine in all your glory.
Walk beside your neighbor.
Lift her spirits with your smile.
Give her the strength of your stem to lean on.

Bloom, child of the Master Gardener.
Bloom in the soil which gives you life.
Let the winds of time scatter your seeds
that the touch of your spirit
will reach to the ends of the world.

Bloom child of Divinity.
In you is Spirit’s Truth and Love.
In you is Spirit’s Life and Wisdom.
Bloom in your sweet time.
Rest when the need arises.

Bloom, rest, receive of life’s abundance
from these who grow beside you.
One with the life of all, merge at depth.
One with the shared glory,
blossom in all your uniqueness at peak.

Hide not from the sun.
Shrink not among your neighbors.
Glorify the Gardener by shining in the soil of your life.

by Jeanne Loehnis, June 2004