My Little Fishy

He’s gone! My little fishy from the glass which was his home.
Atop the mantle did he swim away from cats below.
Well was he last night when I replaced his water world
Made clear again his vision fed him pellets for his food.
Sleep, did I, so peacefully, in my bedroom far away.
And wake to find another dark and dreary kind of day.
So to my candles, by my fish, I went to light the wicks
that flames which flicker, scents so sweet, my mood would surely fix.
Yet what did greet my weary eyes, but water much too clear.
Yes, one glass of the three was empty, no fish did appear.
Wait! This is the mantle and it’s high and no one’s home.
What happened through the night that I would find my fishy gone?
Guess, I must, for no one saw the fate of my young fish.
Perhaps fresh water, food and such made fishy jump his dish!
Yes, maybe his strong fins pulled him through the water, then
Sent him flying fin and tail right over the rim!
To the mantle’s ledge where fear engulfed his little soul,
Fins still flapping, slippery, no longer in the bowl,
My little fish he moved beyond the mantle’s edge so near
And found himself four feet below, the hard brick caught his tear.
And caught his little body too, the pain he did endure!
How long before sweet death took hold? We’ll never know for sure.
Was it before the cats awoke and came to claim their prize?
If so, my little fishy didn’t see their hungry eyes.
And that, my friends, would be the best of endings we could wish.
For if, instead, the cats, they saw the drop from yonder dish,
eat him alive they would have done without regret or shame.
Imagine my poor fishy falling prey as Puffy’s game?
Oh my, of course, a fate worse yet may have befallen him,
Before devouring, the cats, a fish toy was their whim.
And back and forth between their paws, my little fishy flew.
And only when the game was done, did he become their stew.
No funeral, no prayers were said, upon my fishy’s death.
For cats don’t care about the souls of creatures on their path.
Goodbye, dear fish, forgive me please, for I do take the blame
for your untimely death last night. Peace, til we meet again!
Alas, I have surrendered to my little fishy’s fate.
What pleasures we all bring to life: both very small and great.
My eyes, they wander to the other fish that I adore.
Now I’m surprised! I’ve found my fishy in the bowl next door!
Oh my! Now two are gone, you see,
for in Beta’s we find pleasure.
But fight amongst themselves they’ll do
till death comes round full measure.
And now he waits, my cat, does he
beneath the wondrous mantle sea.
He waits upon the ledge of bricks.
Constantly he smacks his lips.
Perhaps will fall another fish
into the nonexistent dish.
And quickly will he snatch his prey
before that fish can swim away!

My Family of Choice

Every person has,
from the moment of their birth,
a family of origin:
a Mom and Dad on Earth.

Some know well the blessed pair,
and sisters, brothers too!
Some are close to relatives;
for them would anything do!

Yet as the years go by we see
our family does grow!
Friends and sacred confidants
as sisters we do know.

Treasured far beyond compare
this family of choice:
those whose strength and love and joy
become for us a voice

reflecting back to us each day
the blessings that we are.
Sacred sisters are the very
mirror of our heart.

Thank you, sacred sister, for you.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2006


Seated now within this chair,
I rest that I may know
with clarity of vision;
the pathway to the now.

We are one, my God and I,
When God is in the lead.
‘Tis then my actions show the way
to others in their need.

With God in charge my steps are sure;
I’m never lost at sea.
This gift is mine to nourish
So I tend the planted seed.

And as we sprout, my God and I,
In the garden of my soul,
I trust that God won’t let me down.
We shine. With God I’m whole.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2003

Love’s Blessed Peace

Let go of personality.
Release set plans and will.
Turn within where God resides.
Be patient and be still.

As a drop of water
gives its very form and shape
to the sea of droplets infinite
so may we now forsake

attachment to the body;
all emotion now release.
Unite as one in Spirit
and receive Love’s blessed peace.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007

Love Received

Dear friend in yonder house alone,
I’m here, waiting by the phone.
Often, when it used to ring,
we would laugh and we would sing.

We’ve reached an impasse. Will we cross?
Dare to risk impending loss?
Or choose the safe path? Surely then
we will lose – if we don’t bend.

Yes, everything must learn to sway
or it will falter, then give way
to hurt and suffering and pain.
Alone to face life’s hurricane.

Sometimes space is healing balm,
reflection time amid the calm.
And as the candle slowly burns
sweet memories of old return.

Yet time itself does not all heal,
bend and change must we as well.
Trust once lost is slow to grow
without the gift of bending low
and starting where the souls are one:
joined by God, forever strong.
Certainly we’ve not forgotten:
of heavenly Source were we begotten.

We are one, my friend and I.
And tho’ the winds blow strong and high
we’ll focus on the Truth; we’ll soar!
Your pain is mine; my joy is yours.

When I release the label, “friend”
and see instead, you as my twin,
of the same Divine true Source:
I want the best for you, of course.

And willingly I will provide
strength and love. I’ll be a guide
for you to follow to the Light
where Spirit can for you set right

the course your journey must extend
I will be here; I will bend.
I’ll walk beside, within, and then
I’ll hold you safely to the end.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2006