
Stillness at depth
where mind awaits Mind.

Soul, the calm reflecting pool
and Spirit sees Herself
with Clarity —

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007

Sabbath Time

Where is God? I yearn to find
this keeper of the Truth divine.
Daily, struggle marks my days.
There must be a better way.

You need not explain or plead.
Make the space: God knows your need.
Release each challenge you now face.
Close your eyes for they will wait.

Pause within the busyness.
Gift yourself with blessed rest.
Still the mind of outer thought.
Sacred space cannot be sought.

Learn the Sabbath gift of time
away from self-made daily grinds.
Tasks will always wait in line
when you rest in Sabbath time.

Here within this tranquil space
are blessings rich in sacred grace.
Ageless wisdom you will find
when you rest in Sabbath time.

by Jeanne Loehnis, April 2004

The Golden Rule – with a twist!

Often stated as: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” the golden rule is a fundamental moral principle found in virtually all major religions and cultures, which simply means “treat others as you would like to be treated.” According to Wikipedia, it is arguably the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights. Very likely, your parents quoted the golden rule often during your childhood in an effort to help you learn how to treat people well and be socially appropriate.

That’s all well and good but, at the risk of being entirely misunderstood and branded as selfish, consider this twist on the familiar rule:

Do unto yourself as you do unto others.

What? Yes, do unto yourself as you do unto others. Two things can happen here. Perhaps you treat others very poorly, you never consider their feelings, never gift them with your generosity, time, kindness. If this is you, try treating yourself that way for awhile. How does it feel? Are you willing to continue this experiment for long? What has the “golden rule” taught you? Continue reading “The Golden Rule – with a twist!”

Tell A New Story

Your neighbor or coworker has stopped you again and you can hardly believe your ears: isn’t this the hundredth time you’ve heard that story? Yet, when the very next person you see asks how you are, you, also, find yourself sharing again about the difficulties that the economy has made for you and how there simply is never enough money to go around.

How can we possibly move beyond present circumstances if we merely rehash the old ideas and never entertain new ones? And, if we only entertain them, allowing safe passage in one ear and out the other, but not incorporate them into our lives, have they done us any good at all? Continue reading “Tell A New Story”

Release, Move On

Yesterday is but a memory if I let it be.
Yesterday is sure to haunt me if I cling on desperately.
Yesterday is full of actions that I would soon forget.
Focusing on yesterday is living in regret.

Letting go of past mistakes is vital to my life.
Releasing, too, the blessings clears the path to see the light.
Releasing all behind me I can now anticipate
for there ahead, in front of me, experience awaits.

Joyfully I find myself completely in the now.
Free to move with ease so I let Spirit show me how
to invest more fully in my life. This now I say:
focus on the path ahead. Be present to this day!