I Get To … Again!

Huh? Well, I am aware that I wrote an article awhile back called “I Get To!” and it highlighted the difference between I Get To and I Have To

Today is a bit different. Just a bit. It is Saturday and, following a good night’s sleep and waking to a body that feels good and healthy, I face a day of fun! Today, I get to enjoy family, play, go to a movie, do some yoga. I get to treasure the moments, breathe in deeply, go with the flow, make a little music. I get to wrap the last few Christmas gifts and have them ready for today and one more connection in February. I get to write to you!

I notice that gratitude is overflowing. So many gifts, so many blessings.

What is on your “I get to” list today?

What flavor is your gratitude?


Unblock Your Life – the World is Waiting!

Are you ready to blossom into the amazing uniqueness that you are? Or do you believe that “living large” and “creative expression” are for someone else while you follow the norm and do as you are told?

Do you desire a life with more freedom and joy yet find yourself locked into caring for the physical demands of home, family, health with no energy left over for the extravagance implied by the words like “joy” and “play”?

Do you long for the day when it’s your turn to receive, to nurture your inner spirit?

The freedom to live life creatively, to discover and develop personal talents, to honor our individual perspective is not just possible, it is a responsibility! Continue reading “Unblock Your Life – the World is Waiting!”

The Ten Percent T-Rap

'Tis time to tell the tale
of a tactic tried and true
toward trusting transformation
to the totally terrific you!

A tool to test the tired,
and torment mere tiny thoughts.
'Twill be tedious, even turbulent,
oh so taxing when 'tis fought.

The tabloids think it terrible,
and tycoons a torrential typhoon!
It’ll tackle and be tragic
if tit for tat’s your tune.

Yet you’ll tap dance once you taste
this tangy, tantalizing, trick.
Tell the tag team to take charge,
team together; to be quick!

Today 'tis time to start to
share your talent and your time.
Ten percent tenaciously tendered:
transform your spirit with your tithe!

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007

The Reason For The Season

Christmas comes with caroling and children’s cherished smiles,
colored lights and visitors who venture ‘cross the miles.
The morning of the twenty-fifth we eagerly await.
Presents wrapped in red and green we so anticipate.

For some, believing in the gift that oh so long ago
was born into a manger makes the heart intensely glow.
Yet you, like me, may pause each year as holidays approach
and touch within an emptiness as memories encroach.

The reason for the season we’re not able to embrace.
Instead of joy and merriment, with dread it is we face
the shopping and the baking, Christmas cards and letters too.
Even parties hold no fun when just a “gotta-do”.

How, we ask sincerely, can we know the season’s joy?
What’s the secret buried deep within each girl and boy?
No doubt it is the essence of the generous Spirit true
that lives within each child, man, and woman, in us too!

Giving always, ever, oh so freely to us all:
Spirit unencumbered is the reason we are called
to take time out each Christmas to remember once again
the child born in a manger: Love and Joy our next of kin.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007

The Process

Release the old, release and trust.
On wings of God, fly I must
to the future yet unknown.
Release with love; God’s way be shown.

Aware within of emptiness.
No longer living in the past.
Not yet sure of that to come.
Searching for the pathway home.

Round the corner, now I see
my future clear in front of me.
New directions grace the day.
Pursuing, I, the Guided way.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2004